My title often varies from grandmother to entrepreneur to candle aficionado. I have always loved the way the scent of a candle can transform my mood, the way a gentle mesmerizing flame is the perfect relaxation aid, and yet, I could never find a candle that hits all the marks. One that could scent a large room with the same quality fragrance, one that could burn thoroughly without waste, and one that would last. Ultimately, I knew I could do better.
A few experimental candle projects later, and I was testing every combination of fragrance, jar, wick and more, until I finally created the perfect candle.
Every variation of wax and jar type mattered, and affected the final product, and in doing so, I discovered the most important components of the perfect candle.
Fast forward to 2020, and Victoria’s Candle Co. is born. Making candles quickly became a passion project and has since grown into a business I can share with my friends, family and you. My grandchildren have in fact taken an interest in making candles as well, and so I share my passion with them along with my “Grandma Wisdom”.
Our candles are derived from natural ingredients and promise to smell great and burn clean. Control of the ingredients in the creation of these candles is most important to me to create the perfect final product.
I share with you Victoria’s Candle Co. Come, Enjoy, and Scent the Mood.